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Refusal by a dominant digital platform developer to ensure the platform’s interoperability with a third-party app may constitute an abuse of dominant position – even in the absence of the platform’s indispensability for the app’s commercial operation
Latest EU merger control clearance after national call-in powers – The winds of change in Article 22 referrals?
EU Court rejects Bid to Block Commission’s first Dawn Raid under Foreign Subsidies Regulation
Government proposal regarding offshore wind power within the Finnish EEZ
Deletion of messages during dawn raid: Thou shall not delete data – the competition regulator is likely uncover intentional tampering with evidence
Naked restrictions – Competition Authorities’ new hammer in their regulatory toolbox?
The Finnish Market Court rejected the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority’s (FCCA) proposal for fines for anti-competitive cooperation
Proposed new tax incentive for large green industrial investments
Foreign Direct Investment screening in Finland
KHO:2023:73 – Yearbook decision from the Supreme Administrative Court reverses current practice of applying building permits for wind turbine generators in building permit applications
Changes in Taxation of Renewable Energy Projects
Proposal to lower Finnish merger control thresholds raises issues of legal certainty and risks burdening for smaller companies
Supreme Administrative Court denies land use plan for wind farm on reindeer herding area – jeopardises wind power development in Northern Finland
Two new Finnish precedents concerning the tax treatment of debt pushdown structures in M&A transactions
Recovering unlawful State aid after recipient´s transfer of business: New developments
The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court clarifies the determination of the duration and limitation period of the antitrust infringement
Amendments to the Finnish Competition Act approved by the Parliament
The European Commission’s Guidance on the referral mechanism for merger investigations from Member States to the Commission gives rise to legal uncertainty
Foreign companies with a place of effective management in Finland are fully subject to tax as of 1 Jan 2021
As of 1 January 2021 employee share issue of a private company can be priced at net asset value without tax implications
Recent ECJ preliminary ruling concerning Sweden will affect the deductibility of value added taxation of Finnish real estate divestments
Non-competition agreements to become subject to compensation in Finland at the start of 2022
European Court of Justice: Transfer of services to the host municipality and the host municipality’s procurement of services from its own in-house unit
Three significant Market Court rulings regarding exclusion of a tenderer from a tender process
Non-competition restrictions in employment agreements ‘as standard’– a risk of significant cost increase ahead due to proposed change in legislation
Who pays for corona delays in construction projects?
Legal pitfalls in out-of-court restructuring in Finland
HPP Renewable Energy – market update
Comission fines companies for restricting cross-border sales
Autonomous Shipping and Liability from a Finnish Perspective
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