

EU and Competition

Specialised in the essential

HPP Attorneys



Johanna Kauppinen specialises in EU, competition and regulatory law. Her areas of expertise include, in particular, antitrust matters as well as merger control. Johanna regularly advises clients in competition authority investigations and generally on competition-law compliance matters, including assisting clients with competition law compliance manuals and the related training.

Johanna also regularly assists clients with merger control issues and represents companies in merger control proceedings before the national competition authority. In M&A context, Johanna also assists clients with issues relating to foreign direct investment (FDI) control and the related notification proceedings before the national authority.

Prior to joining HPP Attorneys, Johanna has completed a traineeship with the Finnish national competition authority where she worked in the authority’s antitrust unit. She has also worked as a research assistant at Aalto University in the field of competition law.


Area of ​​Expertise and Teams

EU and Competition

HPP’s Competition and EU law team is one of the leading teams in this area in Finland. Our lawyers have gained practical insight into the commercial and operational impact of competition and EU law on client businesses, as well as the potential risks and liabilities and mitigation strategies, through their extensive work experience in both competition authorities and commercial organisations.