Attorney-at-law Kari Marttinen acted as chairman of the “Environmental Crimes and Compensation for Environmental Damages” seminar organized by The Association of Finnish Lawyers. The seminar took place on 21st November 2012 at Katajanokan Kasino in Helsinki.
The themes of the seminar ranged from special characteristics of environmental crime law and supervision of environmentalmatters to compensation of environmental damages and the legal basis for liability.
Speakers at the seminar were attorney-at-law, LL.L Kari Marttinen of Hammarström Puhakka Partners Attorneys Ltd on compensation of environmental damages, lawyer Satu Lyytikäinen from the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Uusimaa on supervision of environmental matters, attorney-at-law Mikko Erkkilä of Hammarström Puhakka Partners Attorneys Ltd on forfeiture of profit gained by crime in the light of recent case law on environmental crimes, Professor Elina Pirjatanniemi from Åbo Akademi on special characteristics of environmental crime law, and District Prosecutor Heidi Nummela from Prosecutor’s Office of Eastern Finland on prosecutor’s point of view on environmental crime.