Hammarström Puhakka Partners participated in organizing the annual environment law seminar held by the Finnish Society for Environment Law (SYS ry.) on September 13th.
HPP hosted an afternoon seminar in the Rake hall in the center of Helsinki. HPP’s senior advisor Mikko Erkkilä gave the opening lecture on the use of confiscation in connection to environmental crimes. The environmental crime theme continued with Professor Erkki J. Hollo’s lecture on the challenges of the EU directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law. Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland also introduced topical issues from the frame of reference of their research themes. Niko Soininen spoke of the challenges and possibilities related to reconciliation of different interests in accordance with the Finnish Water Act, with an emphasis on juridical decision making. Kimmo Huttunen spoke of forest planning from an environment law perspective. As chairman of the event acted Mr. Kari Marttinen, partner at HPP and in charge of HPP’s environment law practice. After the seminar, discussions were continued over cocktails and snacks at HPP.